Wednesday, November 3, 2010

If you follow....

You get a piece of candy from me if you follow our classroom blog... just say the code word, "bloggy blogmussen" after you officially become a follower.... come is just a few little clicks. :)


Heidi said...

Mrs. Olson is the only one who is following so far. Thank you Mrs. Olson! Let's see if she remembers the code word at school tomorrow. :)

Heidi said...

There is a button on the bottom right of the says "follow"... click on that baby and go from there! "Bloggy Blogmussen" if you successfully become a follower! See you tomorrow..

Ang said...

As a follower, I need to remember to stop by for my piece of candy...Yum!

Anonymous said...

Where's my candy?

Anonymous said...

hi ms.buchwald your an awesome teacher i've ever met!

Anonymous said...

i followed!!!!!!!!! candy plz

Anonymous said...

hi i like candy

Anonymous said...

Where's my candy?!?!?!

Sam Schmitke said...

Now I get a piece of candy Ms.Buchwald!!! :D

Heidi said...

Oh Sam, please tell these people that you must FOLLOW and give the code word to get the goods... you and Irfan and JoJo got it... THANKS!